Girl Of Yester Year

by Lecrissa   Dec 17, 2006

I can see the beautiful girl,
From yester year.
The one that was full of stardust,
And dreams.
In the woman that stands here.
Oh, how you have changed,
How you have grown.
The wisdom you had,
Is now tenfold.
May you continue to blossom,
May you continue to bloom.
May you continue to gather wisdom,
As life moves on.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Shinobi

    Although the rough structure, I liked the rhyming and choosing of words especially in this poem. The flow went nicely this time, 5/5 keep it up :)

  • 16 years ago

    by keithnwv

    You have a great outlook on getting older, even though you are not "old" at all. gaining wisdom and passing it on is a great thing. my outlook has been look at all the things i let slip away over the years. friendships have been my theme lately. your poem helped me alot . thanks!! :)


  • 18 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    As we get older we gain wisdom and knowledge, and we pass it down in time,great job again 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by steve

    I liked it, its short and sweet....i think its about you, and 34 isnt old lol i read your profile

  • 18 years ago

    by Brittney Follett

    I love this poem :) Again just some spelling problems:

    From yeater year. **I'm not sure what this means maybe from year to year? Or is it the title Yester?

    The one that was full of star dust, **stardust

    Is now ten fold. **tenfold

    Other than that, beautifully written. You did a great job on this. Again I cannot choose which part i love the best!

    Great Job!


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