Happy Place

by katie koroheke   Dec 18, 2006

Happy Place

It's still,quit and theres peace,
except for the thousands of birds
singing in the trees,
so many animals everywhere, so many types
all unique, ones with fur, feathers, scales and skin
Running, climbing, jumping, gliding,
having adventures here and there and finding discoveries
ever where, climbing mountains, finding caves
warm whether everyday,

eat, rest,and play
through big old trees covered in moss, air so fresh
grass so soft, cool rivers , crystal blue seas full of fishy creatures and colored seaweed,
free and alive ,no need to strive,
no gates nor boundaries bars, cages and chains

the fruit will be intriguing
you'll never think of leaving
never alone tiered or confused,
a place to be free, be nobody but me,
maby someday I'll find my own space called my happy place


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