Only Me

by Hayley Bird   Dec 18, 2006

No one cares.
They say they do, but they don't
They tell me one thing but mean another
Why? Why do this to me?
I'm just a girl.
A girl living in a world that doesn't need me.
No one needs me...leave me here
To be alone, to live alone...
To die alone.
I try to be myself, but no one
Aceepts me as myself...
I don't know who I am.
I don't know how I feel...
My feelings are one
One big mix of lies and betrayal.
Hurt me
Break me
Kill me
Shatter me
Be me...
No one can...
Only me locked up in this life of terror and deceit
Only me living this lie...
Only me trying to escape into a world of love
A world of friendship and desire...
But no one wants me
No one sees me...
I'm invisible...
Not good enough
A mistake...
A cold heart filled with
Faded memories and broken dreams


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  • 18 years ago

    by Freddie

    Well deone! thats realli gud! I luv it! keep writing!

  • 18 years ago

    by Ciao Bella

    I love this speaks to me...I see that you reallyput alot of effort into it...good work...i love it...

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