Mirror Of Eternities

by Twisted Fate   Dec 19, 2006

I used a mirror,
To look and see,
The beauty queen,
And she was me,

But times have changed,
And so have I,
You see a bone,
I see a thigh,

I call me fat,
You call me thin,
Where oh where,
Did this begin,

I hate my body,
I hate my hair,
I've lost my spirit,
It's here somewhere,

Just hiding until,
I am whole once again,
This diet is starting,
To drive me insane,

This new kind of evil,
Has taken my will,
First low calorie foods,
Then a small diet pill,

It never will cease,
Until I am dead,
I don't even know,
How it got in my head,

This obsession of beauty,
And this need to be thin,
To like what you see,
Is almost a sin,

The media's distorted,
Every message you see,
And already started,
To completely change me,

For listening to everything,
You hear on Tv,
Will slowly but surely,
Corrupt how you see,

But it's not just the media,
That hurts really deep,
Take a look in a mirror,
And just try not to weep,

For this mirror full of wonder,
Whispers lies in your ear,
It will begin to take over,
And control you with fear,

Fear of a demon,
That would add to your weight,
And lessen your beauty,
By filling your plate,

So you listen to lies,
From a carnival mirror,
And stave yourself silly,
To conquer your fear,

But really it only,
Makes everything worse,
Being trapped on a scale,
Is your horrible curse.

So that backstabbing mirror,
Is what started it all,
I looked once and got stuck,
In a life long downfall,

I call it the mirror,
Of eternities,
Cause it always continues,
Ignoring the pleas,

Pleas of a young girl,
Dying to be thin,
One that won't realize,
She won't ever win,

The mirror of eternities,
Tricks even the wise,
Every glance that you take,
Leads to your demise.


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