I Am Black Moon

by Jemma   Dec 19, 2006

I am a stranger
I creep about at night
I spread my ebony wings
And saw in blissful flight
Behold the secret watcher
For to me all is revealed
And I alone know fully
What the fates have sealed
Beyond the dark horizon
And blinking lights each dawn
I see the celestial mists
From your world so roughly torn
So many secret places
So many unseen faces
All lie in wait for me to see them
Wait for Black Moon to overcome them
I am Black Moon
The nightwalker
The one that does not sleep
I am Black Moon
The secret stalker


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  • 17 years ago

    by Sungrl And Mrs Whatsit

    .....'and soar in blissful flight'......

    I wanted to say this before......

    and this, too, is in your 'mystery play'.....you're welcome...and....Thanks ......and may Peace be yours to share.....It's a long and worthy road.......Writing really helps along the way, eh?