by (*andrea*hurtinside*) Dec 19, 2006
category :
Life, society /
Take a puff and pass it around turn up the music full blast and bang your head to the sound take a razer and cut through your skin just to see how it feels jump out the window sneaking outside take a rock and throw it at a cop car book it down the street jump a fence laugh it out with your friends your so high that you don't give a sh*t break the law and dance the night away you fight and break out crying in pain get your heart broken and break one in return forget what your parents say and do what you want...turn up your amp and blast that guitar lock the doors and turn up the music even louder pop poen the beers and vodka chug that sh*t and puke your guts out screw what they say and be who you truly are your a kid these are your mistakes dont take there advice and do it your own way make your mistakes and live your own life break the law and do dumb sh*t be who you wanna be ..hey your growing up kidd |