San Francisco Freaks Me Out

by AGirlWorthFightingFor   Dec 20, 2006

While driving on the freeway last night
I took a look outside myself
as artists are quite known to do every once and awhile
to get a feel for this earth

I wondered where the cars around me
were rushing to at such an hour

I want to stop the world in its tracks
if only for a minute
and be remembered for something a little more
than who I am
or what my (sic) children did
but then I'm still a kid myself
an arrogant point of view but I don't care
I stole my childhood back from a reckless past
that never appreciated what she had

We affect a person's life everyday
without expectations
or need for acknowledgement
But I have to believe
Those little things build up over time
They always did for me

There is a pulse in this world that makes life what it is
I want to grab that sucker
and run with it
You have to work d*mn hard
to get what you want

You can't please everybody
You can't reach everybody
for those who want to learn


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  • Deep, Lovely, Uhm.. Not much more to say, its just a GREAT poem.

  • 17 years ago

    by Thoughtless Consideration

    Ooh, so interestnig! i adore your writing style. it's very refreshing. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by sibyllene

    : ) Random, but unique. With an interesting title... I like!