I Hurt Myself To Hurt You

by Dezseree   Dec 20, 2006

I cut my wrist,
Just to make sure,
I'm still alive,
Making sure the pain,
Sure it didn't kill me,
That red liquid helps.
I take pills,
Even though,
I don't like it,
The feeling in my throat,
Makes me sick,
I do it anyway.
I do drugs,
They help the most,
Weed, Mary Jane,
She's a good friend,
Then there's cocaine,
I love that white girl.
I throw my self at other guys
Do things for them,
Let them do things for me,
It distracts me from you,
So that helps too,
But I truly want you,
I then let you see,
All of these things I do,
Let you see the cuts,
Let you see me screwed up,
Let you see me high as a kite,
Let you see me with other guys,
I see it in your eyes,
You don't like me doing this,
It hurts you, though you say it don't,
I hurt myself to hurt you boy...


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  • 18 years ago

    by gissell

    Great poem

  • 18 years ago

    by Tamara

    This is an amazing poem, i didnt think anyone thought the way i did. things will even out in the long run tho, and sometimes the good will overshadow the bad. Keep your head up, just think that it cant get any worse