One Day She Hopes (Quatern)

by Rachel RTVW   Dec 20, 2006

One day she hopes her dreams come true,
Not only one but quite a few.
For she has went and made a plan,
She will do it, she knows she can.

While she may stop to think it through,
One day she hopes her dreams come true.
All the struggles that she will face,
Will take her to that awesome place.

She's bestowed with such ambition,
How she longs for recognition.
One day she hopes her dreams come true,
She's got a lot of things to do.

The ends are worth the means she'll see,
When she fulfills her destiny.
Then she will start with something new,
One day she hopes her dreams come true.

Copyright©2006 Rachel Barnett

A Quatern is a sixteen line French form composed of four quatrains. It is similar to the Kyrielle and the Retourne. It has a refrain that is in a different place in each quatrain. The first line of stanza one is the second line of stanza two, third line of stanza three, and fourth line of stanza four. A quatern has eight syllables per line. It does not have to be iambic or follow a set rhyme scheme.


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Landi Cordier

    This is beautifull! good work! wow

    Narc xxx

  • 18 years ago

    by Michelle18

    Excellent job! i like it alot

  • 18 years ago

    by Corinne

    A pleasure to see someone writing in a classical form :-)

  • 18 years ago

    by Farukh

    Definitely her dreams come ture.

  • 18 years ago

    by Gem

    I agree completly with Diana.
    I've seen this format but have yet to attempt it and you make it look so easy =)
    Excellent, heartfelt piece