I'm Not Perfect

by Dezseree   Dec 20, 2006

I can't sing,
I can't dance,
I can't draw,
I'm not very smart,
I'm not brave,
No, I'm none of these things,
I'm not nice all the time,
I'm not very pretty,
I don't have any style,
I do dumb things,
But I'm me,
I loved you,
I think that's,
The dumbest thing,
I've ever done .
I'm smart enough to know,
When I'm being used.
You can't hurt me anymore.
No, I'm not perfect,
But I'm worth more than that.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Carley

    I love this poem... i really wish people would realize how imperfect we really are... and im so sick of people who use other people... im glad you wrote this. thanks