You Did This Now!?

by Sandra D   Dec 20, 2006

Just let me go
Let me live my life
So you're telling me now
Now that I'm in a relationship
That you never got over me
And I'm the one you miss
You say she doesn't listen
Not like I used to
But now I've got to tell you
Of course she's not the same!
I thought she was perfect
Wow, was I mistaken
You say it makes you jealous
How I'm happy all the time
Especially when I'm around him
He knows how to make me smile
Don't try to make regret
What's probably the best thing
That I ever did
I'm not going to feel sorry for you
You're the one who broke my heart
I thought I was better now
You're the one that hurt me
You can't change your mind
I guess it's nice to know you care
But you're not the one I turn to
Why can't you just leave us alone
Leave me and him out of it
I really think I might be in love
And no, it's not with you


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  • 17 years ago

    by On Cupids Bad Side

    Wow, I thought that was a GREAT poem.. I can totally relate to what you're feeling.. I gave it a 5/5..

  • 17 years ago

    by Soul To Squeeze

    EWWW is this about Marissa HATE HER. Sandra don't even compare urself with her. she's not worthy!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by BECCA lessTHANthree

    Good poem.. you kind of go from tought to thought a little randomly but still its good

  • 18 years ago

    by Rocky

    That wasnt that bad of a poem. the thoughts jumped around a bit but never-the-less quite good

  • 18 years ago

    by Tainted Beauty

    I liked the end of this, it was very powerful. As for the rest of the poem, I didn't like it as much, it just seemed like a big jumble of thoughts that was hard to follow. I did like the emotion though.


    Ps. I think there is a mistake here:

    "You said it makes you jealous"