That One Guy

by Take Me With You   Dec 21, 2006

I've dreamed of that one guy all my life, The one that's right and true! I always saw a blurred face, never saw whom he was until last month! I saw it as clear as it could be! So amazing and handsome he is!

In reality that guy is you! You're right for me, you've shown me who I really am and took me off the path I was on! Your feelings for me I know are true, your promises show your love, even though you have no need to make promises, when I know your love is true for me!

Now when I dream I don't see a blur, I see you! I see you holding me, not wanting to let go! And in my eyes you can tell I don't want you to let me go!

I'll tell you this now...You'll never lose me! You'll have to let me go if you no longer want me around because my heart is yours and always will be! I'm never letting go of you...My Prince!

For you see it's not just because I love you... I realize now that it's because I'm in love with you and I don't want nothing or no one to change that or even get between us!


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