My First Love

by Take Me With You   Dec 21, 2006

Do you hate when you're in love with someone and they are with you because they think they love you when really all they are doing is hurting you!
I love him with all I have and I can't even have the love returned the way I want! He has hurt me once and who's to say he wont do it twice?
Should I give up and leave him or should I stay to find out if he'll stay by my side until we fall apart? I need help, I need to know what I should really do!
Even though I love him with all I have to give I would walk away if that's what it takes to realize he's not worth all this pain I keep inside myself!
He's my first love and that I know I can never get over... I'll always love him with all I have,but at least I know I can move on and love another just as much and even more!


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