Heartbreaking lesson

by Leanne   Dec 21, 2006

There's a knot in my stomach
I can't seem to get rid
I say that i'm alright
Who am I trying to kid?

My head fills with thoughts
But I act like everythings cool
I was warned this would happen
Am I that much of a fool?

Well everythings about to change
I'm going to mend my heart
Because I deserve much more than this
I think I knew this from the start

But as the saying goes
You learn from your mistakes
But in learning this lesson
My heart it had to break!


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  • 18 years ago

    by brittany

    Awww its soo sad!! i love all your poems your such a good writter i give u 5/5 and thanks for the comment on mine i really appreciate it


  • 18 years ago

    by Freddie

    Awww..dats so sad! nice write tho, very clear well done!

  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    *huggles you tightly*
    I think you did really well on this to say it was your first poem.
    I thought the flow and rhyme scheme worked well, the only place I found it to be shaky was the line 'Am i that much of a fool?'
    But, if you keep writing, you will get better =)
    Overall, I think you did really well.