Letting go

by Leanne   Dec 21, 2006

Staring out of the window
Watching the world pass by
I take a deep breath
And wipe a tear from my eye

If only you could see me this way
I wonder how you would feel
Because the pain that I am feeling
Believe me it is real

Your supposed to feel happy
When you know you've found the one
When all I feel is sorrow
The happiness all gone

So which do I follow?
My head or my heart?
I know which one I want to
For I can't bear us to be apart

But common sense is telling me
That although you feel the same
Too many people influence you
And all you feel is shame

So all thats left for me to say
Is good luck in all you do
For i am going to let you go
Just know my love is true.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Daniel J

    That's so sad.
    I have to say, I like your style and I do like this poem. In my opinon, any poem which can make the reader empathise...well, that's a masterpiece.

  • 18 years ago

    by Rona

    Wow! All the poems I've read so far, this one has to be IT! Your words have truly touched me, because out of all the poems I've read, I've never related to any as much as this! Excellent job!

  • 18 years ago

    by john graver

    This is a great poem. The sadness really comes through. Good job!

  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    Awwwwwwh, this was really sad.
    I dunno if you've spoken to him yet, if you have you can tell me about it tomorrow when I see you if you haven't then I'm glad you're letting him go because he shouldn't be listening to others opinions like I already told you.
    I liked this, although it did make me tear up a little o.O

  • 18 years ago

    by brittany

    GREAT!!! poem i love it i can def. relate to it. please comment mine
