Remember back when
we were in fourth grade
our secret kisses by the telephone gates
remember when holding hands was a secret
or in seventh grade
when you said i love you
i didnt know if it was true
but i said it too
its all coming back to me now
im seeing it all over again
for the second time
its all coming back to me
my heart is pounding
and my hands are shaking
we havent talked in 4 years
until that one game
back in the old school
seeing those fimilar faces
looking up in thestands
i see you in the crowd
doesnt matter though
you already hunted me down
a nod of a hello
a smile from ear to ear
drop what were doing
walk that urging hend of faith
\"will he like me\"
\"i havent seen her in forever\"
hi you say
i do too
our love is rekindled
my fourth grade baby boo