My Advice

by Carisa   Dec 21, 2006

My dear, before I let you live the life that you have chosen to live, I wanted to say goodbye. "I don't want to lead you on" by saying see ya around anymore.

I hope that this girl is the one that you want, and if she is, I hope that it works out for you. Once upon a time, I loved this guy, and I put a lot of effort into trying to make things work and trying to make him happy. Well, it turns out that some other girl was doing my job for me, so I wasted a lot of time. I would hate for that to happen to you.

It also hurts to know that the person I loved couldn't stop being childish. I hope that someday he can grow up to be a man. Then, maybe, he will be worthy of finding love.

For once, I will give up on being stubborn and listen to him. It's time that I let go. I will find someone worthy of my smiles and laughter.

Give it up, Jack. You will never be able to make me smile again. It's too late.

And my advice to a person that is dead to me: don't waste your time thinking of me. I can't promise that I will be thinking about you.

So go back to drinking, get laid, and live the life that you want to live. No one is stopping you now. I don't have time to deal with a childish person who wants to screw with my mind. I am worth more than that. I deserve better.

For the last time, I Love You,


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  • 18 years ago

    by Carisa

    You wouldn't stay. You wouldn't hold on. It really doesn't matter to me anymore. I love him and I hope that you love her.

  • I wouldnt, what is that supposed to mean.. i tryed.. i did.. i held you in the ocean.. i dont think he'll be able to say that for a long while.. but then again he can hold you all the time..

  • 18 years ago

    by Carisa

    All the things you wouldn't.

    I do love him.

    And it is the best thing in the world.

  • You can, you will
    inside you want him like you wanted me to hold you. you want him like you wanted me, someone to hold, to tell you that the world is a good place.. to be there to cry on your shoulder, kiss your face in the rain. all the things that i couldn't.

  • 18 years ago

    by Carisa

    I don't know if I can love him. All I know is that I sure as hell don't love you anymore.