War- Make it stop

by MeganLeigh   Dec 21, 2006

Fiances waiting back at home
For husbands that have been killed,
War is no vacation
War's not based on skill.

War is based on luck
And simply luck alone,
The only thing war is good for
Is tearing up a home.

Tears of little children
Told that daddy would soon be there,
But when he arrives in a casket
They lose all hope and care.

Then when the boys grows up
They want to make their father proud,
So they head off to war to fight the fight
That puts them in the ground.

It's a nasty circle that doesn't end
Until the war is done,
So Bush please end this shed of blood
Before we lose everyone.

~Please comment, it is appreciated~


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by Em

    Perfectly written. 5/5, Em

  • 15 years ago

    by VeinsofHate


  • 15 years ago

    by Poetic Grunt

    Though I dont agree with this poem.... It Ryhems well and has good feeling into it.
    A side note...
    Unless you have fought for what you beileve in.... dont say war isnt good for anything. As a soldier myself I take offense to the fact that everyone thinks were fighting for nothing. We are... its that forgotten thing called honor

  • 16 years ago


    Really good poem, my son is in the RAF and is fighting in iraq but what for eh, so many miles from Scotland and nothing to do do with us, Bloody goverments are all the same then.

  • 17 years ago

    by she

    Totaly agree!