If You Were To Die

by TRAGiC BEAUTY   Dec 21, 2006

We are perfect together
And I can not believe
That we will always be together
And I will never leave

I love you with all my heart
And you should already know
That I would simply die
If you ever were to go

I wouldn't be able to live
Without you by my side
So the day you pass away
Will also be the day I die

Because god knows we're meant to be
So he'd never make me live
Live my life without you
And the love you once did give

I would die without you
Without you, I can't go on
And if you ever die
Everything would go wrong

I am so in love with you
And I'll always be by your side
So the day you pass away
Will also be the day I die

(I love Jake more than life itself!)


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  • 17 years ago

    by ABake

    Awww....you are so adorable with you and your love poems! lol....But I hope all is well with you two...all though I know it is!