This Little Girl, She Is Four

by ~*inXloveXwithXaXdork*~   Dec 22, 2006

*i know that this poem is very long, but please be kind enough to read the entire thing...thnx so much

this little girl,
she is four
and although she may be young,
she\'s endured more than you will ever know.......

her mother was a drunk,
her father one, too.
they hated her guts,
always locked her in a room.
she wasnt allowed out,
not even for school.
she just laid on the floor,
the concrete most cool.
her parents would come home
drunker than ever
beat the girl senseless
like she was whatever
when her parents finally stopped
she\'d reach for her bear
a tiny stuffed one that
she\'d won at a fair
it was ugly and brown
tattered and torn,
and it was her only friend,
though it was worn
she never judged anyone,
she loved the whole world
though, a ball on the floor
she always was curled
she did love her parents
but they were both pricks
and liked to beat their daughter
with stones and sticks
one day her mom came home most drunk, got ahold of the girl and said, \"you deserve to die, you little punk!\"
the girl just sat there,
endured the beating
by the end of it all
her heart scarcely beating
when her father got home,
she was alive
though she didn\'t know how much longer she would survive
he was more drunk
than he usually was
he said that his pain
was all her cause
he picked her up
threw her against a wall
and then he watched
this little girl fall
he did it again
and again and again
until she screamed
becasue she could bare the pain
when she did that
he picked her up once more
the he began
to slam her head into the floor
the next thing that happend
was the cops showed up
and in went their hands
straight into cuffs.
the cops had come
to that little house
barged in and found
everything quiet as a mouse
then they found the girls \'room\'
opened the door
and in the middle of blood
lied the little girl on the floor
she was lying with something in her hands, and when they repositiond her arms, they began to understand
it was the toy
the little toy bear
the one that she\'d won
that day at the fair
she loved that bear
more than anything in the world
it was in her arms whenever, in a ball was she curled
but after she screamed
that long aweful night
she no longer wanted
to put up the fight
she let herself go
let herself die
no longer would she
in an attic have to hide
now she\'s in heaven
where she belongs
for thats the place
she always longed
she plays with the kids
helps the elderly
and has people who love
more than tenderly

*thank you for reading makes me glad to know that people will spend their time to think about people in this kind of situation*


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Bianca

    Wowwwwwwwwwwwww thats the best one i've read i promise u
    i cant even think straight that touched me hope to hear from u

  • 18 years ago

    by GothicRockerGirl

    I've been there only i finally survived... it's a tough thing and most ppl don't understand it... very good poem!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Flying Phoenix

    I agree with jessics, such a cruel world we live in and this poem captures it in all its brutal glory.

    Long but well written, good job.


  • 18 years ago

    by Kei

    I love that its so sad it made me cry that there is really people in this world that would do sucha thing to a child, it a shame

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