A faint humming in the distance...
they stop to listen...wondering...
then the resonance begins to elevate
The melody begins to shiver down spines
eerie to frightening to terrifying
everyone listens with awe and captivation
a chant, a chime, an unlyriced song is born...
Dangerous violins, methodical drums!
ghostly trumpets, seraphic flutes!
then eyes flash, heads suddenly turn
to look below, above, and all around
but no where to be seen is this sound
A harmony of upcoming, foreboding fate
Louder, swifter, quicker, stronger now...
And they cannot escape...
cannot escape the music.
cannot escape the presence.
Vibrations of song echo like slicing claws
searing into the ears of the unfamiliar
burning deep down, etching into their hearts
A voice like the elves' battle cry rings out
A lovely wailing heard above the beating
of these ominous instruments that surround
then, like a trance, they begin to dance...
Arms wildly flail out!
bodies twirl like lightning!
sudden drops and major heights
Lifting up into the airless sky
to be dropped back down again
A celebration of resurrected souls
beaten, damned, torn and ravaged
to the point of the pounding drums
one last ceremony, one last stand
an elegy's last march, a great lament
The poetic meaning without the words
For this. Is the Orchestra for the Fallen
For this. Is the Mournful Song of the Lovers.
For this. Is the Requiem of Broken Hearts.
Quickly, Faster now, Grander,
spinning, leaping, jerking
feet and arms as light as feathers
fall as powerful as waterfalls
daring, glaring, flaming eyes
Pierce and stab every way they look
Almost breaking the barrier of sound
Filling up every crevice of emptiness
The music...it screams louder..LOUDER...
It stops.
Frozen. Frozen in a teardrop.
the hymn of the dead dies away
as faint as it pandemoniously began...