I want my freedom, my own decisions
To decide what is right and what is wrong
So that I can make out my own path in life
And find a destiny that is mine
However, these strings that pull me along
Are no longer within my control
I am pushed in directions I wish not to take
Cornered into problems which are not mine
Lost in a strife which I do not know
And all I want to do is break free from this
Get rid of this forced guilt in me
Be able to make my own confessions
Through developing my own convictions
Instead of being pushed to forced opinions
For surely I am the only one who knows my heart
Then no one else can judge my thoughts
Yet my strings continue to be played
Through others decisions and judgements
But trusting I do remain
Submissiveness I plan to maintain
And even though I do not like my direction
I continue to be humble, no matter how wrong
For I cannot move against my strings
Where they go I will follow
Even though someone else has taken control
Even though someone else plays with my strings