My Heart HAS to go on

by Jeni L Fullerton   Dec 22, 2006

I now know that I truely have loved one man in my life.

I will never know what it felt like to be his beautiful wife.

In my head, the room spins and my heart cries, yet not a tear is shed.

The dreams of him will not leave my head.

I see his eyes, his dimples, and height.

I love this man, but in my heart I only feel spite.

I know now he was not the \"ONE\" for me.

Iwish I knew this earlier, but it is now that I see....

I see life as an open road filled with loops, turns,and shortcuts.

I wont let this heartache ruin my romanitc outlooks.

I will soon drop him from my thoughts and not wish it had worked out.

The day will come when I find a new true love who will fill my heart with joy and delight.

My heart HAS to go on because I am strong.

Im willing, independant, patient, and smart.

Looking back to the past will only hold me down.

Seeing the future as an enlightned chance to love again excites my being.

Good bye to you, I must go on.

Dont call me, dont write, dont show up in the middle of the night.

I MUST move one, from such a painful sight.


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  • 18 years ago

    by caleb

    The words you write are beautifully spoken.:>)

  • 18 years ago

    by Anonymous Angel

    Beautiful, full of emotion and a bit sad..good poem;) 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by debbylyn

    Sad write Jeni. Breakups are hard, but there will be happy times ahead! I enjoyed your poem....thanks for reading and commenting on my poem.

  • 18 years ago

    by Jeni L Fullerton

    ~To U Aaron~