Life is a battle
Sometimes when yu get knocked down
You don't want to get back up
But you stay and fight
Like in a campionship persuing the gold cup
People are viscious
They goal in life is to break yu down
They think that other people will like them better with less competition around
They make you wish that you lived in a gutter
That you were so drugged up not even syllables you could mutter
Having guys only staying with you because you looked good are you were loose
Trust me, after that experience you'll be craving for an encounter with a noose
Just numb the pain make everything ok
But you don't realize that your identity starts to fade away
You learn after the blood has been drawn and the tears have dried
That all you want is someone by your side
To tell you wonderful things and remind you of things about yourself that you've pushed aside
For them to grip you tight and stay with you through the cold winter night
Hold on to that dream and never let go
Because once you've lived the worst, that's all you know
But that's not what you are you're better than that, you just need some help
At least, that's what I tell myself
...Stay strong