I hate being lied to.
You should really know better than to think I wouldn't find out.
Are you that oblivious to what you've put me through?
My heart was already filled with so much doubt.
One day, I'm going to be just fine.
But what about you? Will you ever leave your immature stage?
I know now that I have to draw the line.
Because I deserve someone that will act their age.
So don't start telling me how you hate me not being in your life.
I've heard that line before, and every time you left you were just fine without me.
There will always be the stab wounds on my heart from your knife.
One day I hope you open you're eyes to all my pain, and finally just set me free.
Someday I hope you'll learn from your mistakes.
Realize that if you don't your life will remain the same.
Stop leaving so many girls with all these heartaches.
It's eventually going to catch up with you, leaving you the only person to blame.
Hopefully, one day you'll learn that being selfish with your heart will eventually hurt you.
And I sincerely hope you don't end up alone.
But I have to leave you now because you were being untrue.
Maybe one day you'll eventually let you're feelings be shown.