Christmas Without You

by Lucy Lewin   Dec 24, 2006

It's only been one month
although it seems like it was yesterday.
Cancer came and took you away from us.
Just a week short of your birthday.
What a sad day it was.
sad week. sad month. sad holidays.
Three days before Thanksgiving.
You slipped away from us.
This year, I knew what to be thankful for.
Now it's Christmas.
I've never liked it all that much.
this one's going to be even harder.
I know you're right here next to me
watching my family's face glow as they open their gifts.
but it's just not the same,
having Christmas without you.



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  • 18 years ago

    by Cindy

    This is very sad. I also have someone whom I miss at the holidays very much. I know he is watching over me, it still does not erase the pain of the emptiness in your heart. Hopethings get better for you. You are in my prayers