Comments : Tear

  • 18 years ago

    by Fluffy

    "The stinging and pain of my sorrow in one drop,
    But it becomes worse for thousands follow...
    And for it to be cured my heart must cease to beat."

    -A very powerful narrative. You have once again explored your sub-conscious and have become more familiar with repetition and wider vocabulary. Well done :]


  • 18 years ago

    by -Usmi-

    Rele well written ..

    thankx for the comments .. do read other too ..


  • 18 years ago

    by Mariana Kabbout

    Deep feelings ... Too much sadness ...
    just smile ! tomorrow will be better !
    I wish u that ,

    Best regards,

  • 18 years ago

    by I.Lose.It.All

    Hey sandro its me again yes jennifer. i hope ur okay because if my passwords r not changed back to what they were i will do something we both will regret and its not a threat its a promise. p.s love the poem maybe u could become a poem reader in jail. i dont want to do it but plz just change them back. thank you. oh and traci seems nice

  • 17 years ago

    by Roxy

    Hi, This poem teared me up a bit. I have nothing to say since it so sad, I would never think of a guy to write such a poem like this.
    It really good- I can't figure out what the hell to say its just so good!!
