Alice in wonderland

by silhouette fairy   Dec 24, 2006

The swirl of stripes
the monster's eyes
the bright shine of teeth
he appears with a riddle
"what do you get when you fall down a rabbit hole?
watch where you walk
in the mome rath's outgrabe!"
in confusion she roams the woods
now orange and yellow
people very unmellow
come walking about
very round and stout
for their speech is in riddle
now she walks in the middle
her mind so confused and scrambled
she wanders away
now watching her step
she looks around...The White Rabbit!
she runs quickly she finds herself in a maze
"paint the roses red, paint the roses red!"
she hurries to help,
but then caught red-handed
"off with their heads!"
the red queen screams
the king so quiet
with no sound
"no, no, don't cut off my head!"
"Alice my dear, wake up please!
end your dream."
"oh but i can't
for i will miss the tea party
we are celebrating my un-birthday"
"it is time for tea but not a party
Alice wake up from your wonderland!"


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  • 18 years ago

    by Ali

    Only thing to change: its not mole raths its mome raths. BUT very good poem