I loved you, you hated me

by xDead to youx   Dec 25, 2006

I love you.
You hate me I guess this is the worst it can be..
No sucide is worse
and much more gross.
but it helps and works.
You think im just sad all the time
I bet your just a jerk
with no heart..
My heart feels like its been slammed with a dart.
You broke it
You damaged it..
how am i soppose to feel..
happy, glad that you hurt me..
Im crying..see
Here is my knife..watch me slice..
how much fun comes out of this none
because now im gone..
I miss my home..
I miss my dome,
I miss my brother..
I miss my sister..
I miss you because i loved you
you may have hated me..
but i c thats not the way you feel now.that im gone


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  • 17 years ago

    by xDead to youx


  • 17 years ago

    by Kalee

    This is a great poem. 5/5
    keep up the good work.


  • 17 years ago

    by Miss Darcy![xXkestrelXx]

    Awww.... That was a really deep, passionate poem. That moved me alot. Great work. hope you feel better