I woke up one morning and to my surprising,
Every thing was different, even the sun risen.
I look in the sky and I seen life clear,
I understood responsibilities and why I was here.
While in school people joked and many perform,
But I refuse to be distracted or conform.
When it came to new knowledge I now was curious,
Something was changing in me I was taking life serious.
I started reaching to wards the stars and getting my goals set,
While out in public I should a great amount of respect.
When troubles anger, frustrations would unfold.
I fighted off these emotions with extreme self control.
But with this new me I was loosing a lot friends,
People who I thought would be here until the end.
They said I had a vision and became to mature.
And thats why they can'
t hang out with me anymore.
What is this new me, what is this new life?
Yea immaking my own designs, but its coming with a price.
I looked towtowardaven suggesting I diddidt understand,
Then I heard God voice say, Your becoming a Man.