A Shy Love

by Marcus   Dec 26, 2006

Have you ever been afraid to tell someone, I love you
Even though its true.
Because your sure about what they may think.
Or if they feel the same way to.

You know that you love them because there on your mind.
Ever second of the day.
It seem like all you want to do is make them happy.
And please them in everyway.

It's kinda weird because every time youre with them.
Your heart tends to drop.
All of sudden your full of life, joy, and comfort.
You dont want the moment to stop.

You actually practiced saying I love you.
When you are alone.
You hope the words come out when you see them.
So your feelings will be known.

So finally you tell them those three words.
They stare for a second or two.
But then they open there mouth and they say.
I love you too.


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  • 17 years ago

    by StillxBreathing

    Yeah... in a perfect world.

  • 18 years ago

    by TaNyabAbEE

    ThIs Is So AwEsOmE!! iT iS sO gOoD. i CaN rEaLlY rElAtE tO iT. gOoD jOb. KeEp WrItInG!!:)

  • 18 years ago

    by AmY

    Awwwwww oh my Godd I love this poemmm its so TRUE! great job Marcus. I love it 5/5