0ur love

by cuca aShLeY   Dec 26, 2006

You came to my life
to show me what love is
i didn't know love was so beautiful
i actually didn't know anything at all
now i see that love is
feeling this warmness in me
when i am with you
to know that nothing else matters
as long as you are by my side
to have this need to see you
to feel you, to have you here
to miss you all the time
and to have the greatest time with you
and that when we kiss
it is a kiss so passionate
soft,and tender, a kiss like no other
but you also taught me
love is painful
love isn't perfect
that to know what love is
i would have to feel it lost
because that is when i realize
that what i feel truly is love
but that is the beauty of it
that sometimes imperfections
are what makes us better
that is what makes our love better
our fights,our quarrels,
our make-ups,our make-outs
every single thing we do as long
as we are together


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  • 18 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    Love is a gift, the most special gift of all, hold onto it forever and never let it go, excellent poem 5/5