
by Curry   Dec 26, 2006

She lies in her room looking at the ceiling,
She looks at her wrist,
The cuts are finally healing.
She glances at the pills sitting on the stand,
She thinks about dumping some in her hand.
She looks at the scissors laying on the desk,
And wonders if anyone would notice if she sliced her neck.
Shes in so much pain,
She thinks no one cares,
She wonders why her life is so unfair.
She steps off the bed and walks toward the desk,
As she grabs the scissors her eyes turn wet.
She slices her wrist for what seems like the hundredth time,
Since no one will even notice to her its not a crime.
Finally the pain is gone,
But she knows it wont be that way for long.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Stephanie

    A sad poem - that no one more than me can relate to. If you ever need to talk, I'm always here. =] The flow was flawless, the emotions were great, and overall, it was amazing. Fantastic job!! 5.5

    Stephanie Lynn .+.

    I was going to comment on Boy I Need You but I realized that I have already commented on that poem once before, so I chose another poem. Sry. =/

  • 18 years ago

    by David

    Whoa this poem was different. there was so much detail. i loved it. keep writing.

    5/5 David

  • 18 years ago

    by UnToLd TrUtH

    I love how your poems are short but full of detail and emotion. Very good job, 5/5

    <UnToLd TrUtH>

  • 18 years ago

    by LovelyBones

    Once again very very sad and depressing... but i am glad that you are writing love poems and other fun poems so it is not all depressing poetry... this is very creative and i like that allot...

    Lovely Bones

  • 18 years ago

    by .K.i.T.t.Y.

    Wow. you have a thing for necks.

    that was a good poem. nice wording and structure.