Looking in a mirror can kill a person

by Curry   Dec 26, 2006

She lies on the floor listening to her dad scream,
She trys to think this is all a dream.
As she lays there tears pour out of her eyes,
Finally he leaves and she still cries.
She now uses all the strength she has left to get up,
Shes so scared every little sound makes her jump.
She walks to the mirror and lifts up her shirt,
Its so hard to move,her whole body hurts.
She stares at the welts on her back from being whipped with a belt,the red mark on her face from getting smacked,and the bruises on her arms from being beat like hell.
She never did anything wrong for her dad to treat her this way,
Hopefully one day he'll have to pay.
She decides she cant live this way for many more days.
She breaks the mirror and uses the glass to slice her neck,
Slowly she drops to the floor and bleeds to death......
*written by curry on 9-27-06*


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  • 18 years ago

    by UnToLd TrUtH

    Wow this is such an emotional poem, you made it short but you left the right idea and imagry for people to stay hooked. 5/5

    <UnToLd TrUtH>

  • 18 years ago

    by malina

    Wow...scary but i like it...alot... ^_^

  • 18 years ago

    by ashleeey

    Really deep. i love it sweetie, keep it up.

  • 18 years ago

    by nikki

    Wow, it's sad and powerful poem, 5 from me. great writing, thanks for the comments to, :)

  • 18 years ago

    by LovelyBones

    Wow,,, sweetie this is amazing,, you have a true talent. there is so much emotion and passion put into this piece. it did not seem like any of the words were forced. i loved it allot

    keep writing

    Lovely Bones