I Thought you were happy

by vanessa   Dec 26, 2006

I thought I could make you happy
but I was wrong
Those days when you said I was the one
the one you truly loved
But if I was so special, why aren't we together
why are we so far apart
Don't lie to me
if you loved me
we would be in each others arms
Its difficult to know that you toyed with me like your little puppet
told me lies, then decided you didn't need me
Left me all alone to whisper your name in my own darkness
I thought you were happy
Oh how I know now that I was


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  • 17 years ago

    by Lesbian Natalie

    I have been in your shoes ...I know how you feel...5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Beauty In The Breaking

    Your pretty good yourself and I love your profile! You sound a lot like me!

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