
by Zana   Dec 26, 2006

The touch of your lips,
The feel of your skin,
The look in your eyes,
The love within,
I wanna Know what all these things would be like with you,
I wanna know what its like with you here,
Wanna be able too touch you,
Thinking about you over and over,
Waiting for the day we combine,
The day we meet,
The day our eyes catch,
Why does it have to be that your all the way there and im all the way here,
I wanna here your voice next too me,
I wanna know that you are mine,
Your not here why not ??,
You feel special,
When i talk too you my skin shivvers in joy,
My mind smiles,
I smile,
Wishing you were here to hug,
To kiss,
When i talk too you i feel soo special,
All though your on the computer,
The phone,
You mean so much too me,
You make me feel different,
Make me be myself,
wondering what to say wether too say,
I rote this too prove how you can love someone you,ve never seen,
never meet,
Your perfect in every way,
I can tell in my skin,
And the way you talk too me,
That all my wishes can come true,
That my love will grow,
I keep single,
Till i meet you,
Because i love you!!


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Shirani Graham

    Beautiful writings..
    Excellent thoughts..
    Marvelous outlooks..
    Fantastic feelings..

    Write more, feel more and be with me for reading and commenting.. I like your poems very much indeed... 5/5


  • 18 years ago

    by Alissa

    This is a really good poem, maybe you can try to use the spell check because it caught my eye at some points. But this is a great poem, I loved the rhyms that came out at the right moments and I think you did a wonderful job. It's true what you feel, I feel the same about someone special that I met here. He's a big part of my life and I think you shouldn't let go.

    You're friend:)