What will i get?,
Im 15 tomorrow,
Waiting and waiting for the day too come,
I know what i want,
I know what i need,
It didnt come under The christmas tree,
What about know well tomorrow indeed,
I no what i want,
Can you guess what it is??,
Its something special,
Something that lives,
Its not a pet,
It makes me happy,
It makes me shiver with joy,
28th of december is my big day,
15 years old what do i say,
Next year il be 16,
Its gone soo fast,
I cant do it unless i get this present,
It means alot,
Il keep it forever,
Can you guess yet???,
ohh well il tell you,
I want YOU,
I wanted you for christmas you wasnt wraped up under my tree,
Its my birthday do this for mee!!