Unhappily Ever After

by Darien   Dec 27, 2006

Unhappily Ever After

This cold frost-bitten heart was warm long ago
When love had blossomed in romance so young
Broken and banished to the darkness forever
With hope of being rescued by a princess true

Plagued was the heart of the princess he loved
Poisoned by the spirits that echoed in her ear
Blinded by an invisible lust that never existed
Created in her heart and mind by demons of hate

Long ago this prince was destined for happiness
In a kingdom he would reign with his pure heart
He fell victim to the evil brewing in his bed
When he turned a blind eye to the pain he felt

Her intentions were good but possessed by the bad
She could not see how much her prince had cared
His love was for her and she could not feel it
For her heart was numb and cursed with jealousy

The tale of a prince with a witch for a princess
A story where love did not rise and was defeated
Happy endings are only told in old fairy tales
But this book of stories tell of tales so true


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  • 15 years ago

    by Deana

    A witch for a princess...I think someone thought that of me before LOL an excellent write. Realism with a flare. outstanding.

  • 16 years ago

    by Jo Anna EL

    The ending really speks to me.It's sounds as if there are now happily ever afters..I think thats true...At ;east in my world there arent.....
    ~Jo Anna EL

  • 17 years ago

    by Therisa

    I love this poem, it's amazing! 5/5!

  • 17 years ago

    by Simple Sensation

    This poem is the oppisite of the poem i just read by you. The title caught my attention; "Unhappily Ever After" like i said in my previous comment, you made love seem like a fairy tale. This is ocmpletely opposite. Well the first stanza, makes the reader enjaged on what your saying. It makes the reader curious as to what ahppened long ago. This alliteration, "Broken and banished" also made me intrested in the poem. A brilliant use of alliteration. The secound stanza creates this sort of unreal imagery. And then this seems like a story and you wanna read more. It all has this magical feel to it. the last stanza, is osmething that i think we can all relate to soemtimes. Youve kinda made fairy tale up and yet said that t doesnt exist and it doesnt have that happy ending. Brilliant. Again to improve i sugegst you use punctuation. Otehr then that i really loved this. xx

  • 17 years ago

    by Marc Ortiz

    I love the opening line! I was speechless in this poem! Amazing! 5/5!

    TC :)