The first time I seen you across the room,
My heartbeat went from zero to a hounded in a split second.
The first time I talked to you,
My voice trembled and started to crack.
The first time you held me close and tight,
For the first time,
I felt safe and secure.
The first time I looked deep into your blue eyes,
I new there was a heaven,
And you were an angle sent from heaven.
The first time I said I love you,
And you said I love you back,
I new it was true,
I new you and I were to be together forever.
The first time we kissed,
Was the first time I tasted heaven and when it was over,
You left me wanting more.
Without a doubt,
This is the first time I have loved someone so much,
I cannot love any more.
This is the first time I can trust a person with all my life.
Everytime we do something for the first time,
My heart beat goes from zero to a hounded in a split second,
My voice trembles and cracks,
I feel safe and secure,
I know there is a heaven and you are an angle sent from heaven,
I know it’s true and you and I are meant to be together forever,
You leave me wanting more,
And I cannot love you anymore!