There's Nothing Like Love

by TRAGiC BEAUTY   Dec 29, 2006

You get this lovely sensation
And they're the only one you think of
You tend to get butterflies
There's nothing in this world like love

I know because I'm going through it
And it's the most amazing thing ever
I know I go weak in the knees
Whenever we're together

Love is the best thing in the world
And you stay with that one person 'til the end
You never want to leave them
Or look at someone else again

There's one boy in your life
That's when you know it's love
When they stay by your side
When push comes to shove

I know this because there's this boy
He is the love of my life as a whole
He controls my head
My heart and my soul

(There is NOTHING in this world like love! I love Jake more than anything!)


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  • 17 years ago

    by Gem

    Some interesting phrases..
    Well done