Just One Thing

by TRAGiC BEAUTY   Dec 29, 2006

There's just one thing I need to say
It'll take but a minute
And though it will be hard
I'll have to admit it

I'm gonna pour my heart out
So just sit down and listen to me
I'm gonna try to be everything
That you said I could be

You gave me your heart
And also fixed mine
I guess I needed your love
I guess it was time

There's just something about you
That makes me love you more each day
I think about you every minute
And love you in every way

I said I only had one thing to say
And what I said was true
Though I said a lot of things
I can sum it up into three words- I love you

(For Jake! I love you more than life!)


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  • 17 years ago

    by Gem

    I like the ending line,
    it's okay about the subject thing, i just thought for a minute it was deliberate, you know how it is don't you, being a poet yourself, when you put a lot of work and heart into something and then it seems like someone's taken it, but don't worry about it, i'm only picking about it because i'm in a depressive mood at the mo.