Socially Excepted or a Life? You choose

by Jamie   Dec 30, 2006

Pushing through the crowd.
Trying so hard to get to you.
You see me now,
You tell the crowd to let me through.
Crying, I tell you what I came to say.
I see you fall to your knees.
You say, "My Love, it doesn't matter.
You open the box you have in your hand.

Diamonds dance in my eyes.
I want to tell you how I feel, but it is not "socially" excepted.
Others will look down on us.

Hope restores to me as I remember, the others who told me , as they pointed to my chest,
"Follow your heart dear"

I shut my eyes tight and the tears drip down my face.
I feel a tingling sensation in my stomach as if to say, What about me?
My eyes fly open I assuredly know the answer.

Forever our three lives will be bonded.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Gem

    "Diamonds dance in my eyes."

    A beautiful image, the whole poem was so beautifully done. I loved the pregnancy tinge (Of course, i may be wrong, but i assumed she was pregnant?)
    It was cleverly done, well done!