Final sentence

by BehindThisSmilex   Dec 30, 2006

So I'll lie awake
with tear filled eyes
and my heart on my sleeve
why would you even ask me
if I'm okay
do people usually f ucking cry
when there okay?
don't even talk to me
cause i know exactly
what you'll f ucking say
every word that comes from your mouth
is the same as what anyone else would say
you have no idea what I've been through
you don't know how much it f ucking sucks
to be used by the one person
that you love more than anything
so don't even try to convince me
that I'll be okay
i can get through this on my own
i don't need to spill my heart out
to a f ucking stranger
who is getting payed to tell me
the same thing anyone else would say
i can do this on my own
even if it means
pulling the trigger
I'll be in a better place
if i do it anyway
don't try to make me happy
your just making it worse
you can lock me up
what ever the f uck you want
just let me tell you one thing
i have a knife in my back pocket
and I'm not afraid to use it...


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  • 17 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Hunni, this poem is really powerful and strong emotions in it. its very good and it stands out. im sorry you have had to feel like this, its good you can express yourself this way. dont hesitate to email for a chat ok x x x x

  • 18 years ago

    by MiaFairy

    Wow. this is sooo good. its so true. i went through something similar....i wasnt used but the guy went out with me and told me he loved me so i wouldnt kill myself. he thinks im crazy and should go to a hospital. great poem.

  • 18 years ago

    by ...Jasmine...

    So much passion and honesty. Showing the depth of your soul.
    Dont ever let someone try to make it better.
    Cause they only make it worse.
    You have to find and accept your own feelings.
    I know what they say "it will be better, just talk about it, we can get through it"
    Those words wont help. But only you can help yourself.
    I believe you'll find the beauty and positive outlook on life.
    Dont stop writing poetry, absolutely beautiful. 5/5 xox

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