Hand in Hand

by Karl Wild GG23   Dec 30, 2006

As we sit in the snow white sand,
And the waves crash upon the shore,
I stare to the sky trying to understand,
Why the stars seem brighter then ever before.

Is it because the sky is so clear,
That the stars are shining bright?
Or could it be that love is near,
On this perfect summer night?

We laugh, we kiss, we talk,
Draw pictures in the sand.
Along the ocean we walk,
Just her and I, Hand in Hand.

Our night is almost finished,
As the moon is fading fast,
Another day will be diminished,
Put with the others in the past.

Everything seems to melt away,
Faster then the drop of a dime,
As night dissolves to day,
We lose more precious time.

Surely soon the sun will rise,
As this is Gods command,
I know she can see the twinkle in my eyes,
As we walk Hand in Hand.


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Latest Comments

  • 14 years ago

    by Ric Hansen

    It is splendid! Love comes to us like an eggshell; fragile and easily broken.

  • 14 years ago

    by Ric Hansen

    It is splendid! Love comes to us like an eggshell; fragile and easily broken.

  • 15 years ago

    by Chelsey

    This was simply adorable! being hand in hand is so romantic especially on the beach, that it makes me want the moment to last forever, and I haven't even experienced it yet. .I just mean for others too...seeing couples in love under stars, in each others arms is so priceless to me...as was this poem! I loved it!!

  • 16 years ago

    by mia

    Am totally speechlesssss !! this is an outstanding poem realllly I LUV ITTTTTTT :D
    keeeep the gooood work up ;)

  • 16 years ago

    by jordan

    That is BEAUTIFUL! have u really felt that way before?