Equivocal Perspective…

by Megadrive   Dec 30, 2006

I cry out for some sort of release,
Please take this anguish away, so I may have some peace.
Thy marrow is wilting and I am unable to be liberated,
Unshackle thy soul, so never again shall I be lacerated.

Tare away at thy callous pessimistic delusions,
Martyrdom haunts thy very inclusions.
Thy morbid schemes swarm thy meditation,
Never before have I ever had such contemplations.

I dread thy passionate twilight illusions,
I dare not say thy hearts dreamt infusions.
I postulate the authenticity of thy malaise,
Can this be an authentic feeling so harsh and callous?

Thy soul is trembling with such a tortured, dismal, perspective,
How can life go on, when lachrymosely is confiding without any exceptive.
Caliginosity rules thy entire hallucination,
No glorious dwelling to be vindicated as I sit with no insulation.


Started: (12/29/06) December 29th, 2006, at 11:37 P.M
Finished: (12/30/06) December 30, 2006, at 12:09 A.M
32 minutes.

I guess I'm practicing speed writing because it seems to be easier to release my feelings without having a chance to corrupt them with any true thought I may have. So when the feelings actually start to reveal themselves they are more true and pure than if I would try to study them before I actually write them down. Plus I get things out that I didn’t even know I was feeling until I actually read it, which of course is very helpful=D Anyways… Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed yourself! Now go create beautiful masterpieces!!!


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  • 18 years ago

    by .K.i.T.t.Y.

    Wow. That was like amazing. I caught the emotion. I liked the thy's and the big vocab. Good job. 5/5.

  • 18 years ago

    by +Purple Sky+

    I didn't know what all of the words meant, lol but I think I caught the mood of the poem at least. :P I especially like it when you use big words that I don't know, cuz then they sound all the more mystertious and exotic. ;) I really liked it. :)