Someone To Love Me

by aDORKable x3   Dec 30, 2006

I'm sick of all my problems
Being thrown back in my face
All the pain and all the hurt
I just want it to be erased

I want to be the normal one
Without a care in the world
The one who you’d like to date
The one you call “your girl”

I’m sick of all the rumors
All the lousy heartaches
I wish they’d all just disappear
There’s not much more I can take

If my tears were a river
It’d run right through my soul
Cutting me in half
So that I could never be whole

My eyes are getting tired
Of constantly being wet
How could all of this happen
How could you forget

I want to be the girl
Who’s not looked at as a fool
Who walks around with her head up high
And has all the friends in school

I’m sick of my mask
That I’m forced to hide behind
I know that some don’t care
But there are more of those who mind

I try to do what’s right and
It bothers me when I care
About everyone else but me
They make me feel so bare

If I could have one wish
I wish that it could be
To have the dream I dreamt last night
That I had Someone To Love Me


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  • 17 years ago

    by Mommy And Me

    The flow of the poem was good. it had much meaning behind it and was shown through out the intire poem. the mood was a little wavy, but i still knew what it was of. good work

    -/2 Terra

  • 17 years ago

    by Bryan

    I love the ending you used on this poem, perfect write, 5/5!!! great poem!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Hannah

    Wow. this is exactly how i feel!