Sticks and stones may brake my bones but names will never hurt me.
How many people okay scrach that adults have told u that.
if they have or any one says that then thoughs people have not been named called(how lucky are they)
merry sue went to school, and got called a pig s/l/u/t.Daging jag told sue to piss of u wonder of a foe.Teacher told sue u are s-t-u-p-i-d-e.merry sue went home that night and told her snoty mother about this junk.mother of sue just told her sticks and stones my love may brake ur bones but words can not hurt the next day merry sue broke her arm and leg .
the doctor asked how she did it and all she said was this \\\"sticks and stones may brake my bones, but words may not hurt me\\\" then she whispered to the nurse while giggling \\\"hay guess how i broke all this\\\"? She smiles and says in a low tone \\\" i hurt my self with sticks and stones as my mother said\\\". Laughing till she passed out.
\\\"hahaha i got bored and my mother just told me off and thats wut came to my head.\\\"