Diamond rose of death

by Randomness   Dec 31, 2006

Diamond red striped rose
slipped from my hand
thorns scraping me
the blood dripping
mentally and physically bieng destroyed
the bloody rose slowly falling
drifting to death
gasping for air
air around is warm
Though I fall to the ground
The shivering is shortening the time around me
The rose hits the floor
the sound
like a rock hitting a diamond
thunder in my ears
i sqeeze my eyes shut
pain is unbearable
My eyes are shut
I try to open
and it hurts me more
A tear rushes down my cheek
as i hit the floor
the tear mixes with my blood
a bloody tear
Dead on the floor
next to the bloody diamond rose
frozen yet sweating
the rose took its final toll
Mouth open
last breath taken
stillness around
no time shall move
face white
to pale to recegonize
except for the blood which still drips


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  • 18 years ago

    by XxXTwistedxXxIllusionXxX

    I love this poem... it is my favorite one I have ever read yet... I like roses a lot and I love how you used a lot of detail whne you wrote this good job 5/5