Candy Land Suicide

by Ashleigh   Dec 31, 2006

I gave my world a title
Where I live in suicidal
Candy Land Suicide is it's name
Where my suicide is the game
My best friends are dead
Only words of them are read
Hanging by a rope
Or being killed in a fight for dope
Whenever I die
I know, no one will cry
'Cause I know I wasn't important
This was my only last resortment
A lonely life I have lead
Everyone always said
I've always been broken
Thrown away like a worthless token
I sit here and slowly die
And I only sigh
With no other soul to communicate
I'll cry and cry
Wishing i would just die, just die!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Chelsea

    I would cry if you died, i would probably die. keep the good work up ashleigh and stay strong hunn


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