I've lost hope

by Daniel Rutter   Dec 31, 2006

I cry myself to sleep at night,
Because all I dream of is happiness.
But happiness won't come my way,
It never does.

I have problems,
and I want to tell them to someone,
but my family won't listen,
And the friends I have don't care.

Is this pain?

I want to be happy,
I want to be loved,
I want a normal life.
I need it,


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  • 18 years ago

    by Sexygurl

    U will never be happy or loved and nobdy will care about u have to say cause nobody care's about u

  • 18 years ago

    by x.Athame.x

    Nice job. *5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Freddie

    Know wat dars lyk. great expression. keep it up!